Being Thankful

As you probably noticed, I took a one week break for Thanksgiving. However, I’m back this week with two great articles and an awesome podcast about being thankful. Hope everyone had a pleasant Turkey Day.

What I’ve Read:

My $120,000 Vacation | T Magazine

The author details his one week stay with the Four Seasons’ branded 24 day trip around the world. It’s fascinating to read about how much could be seen and done in a relatively short amount of time. I also enjoyed learning about the difference between the rich and super rich and how they travel. Even if I had the money, I’m not sure if I’d want to travel this way. I prefer immersing myself in the culture and history, even if it means giving up on convenience.

Terrence Howard’s Dangerous Mind | Rolling Stone

This profile brings the reader into the surreal world and mind of Terrence Howard. I heard about his falling out with the Iron Man franchise but not much else about his past. Howard has a compelling story and it’s well worth the read to learn about it.

What I’ve Heard:

The Magic of Mindfulness | Tim Ferriss

This 30 minute podcast from Tim Ferriss lists the various ways he practices mindfulness, or as he calls it gratefulness. He equates being mindful as being present and thankful for the positives in life. The episode was useful and I plan on trying out several of the techniques over the following weeks.

Tags: #podcasts #travel

Thursday Thoughts

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