Thursday Thoughts - 06/08/2023

Here are my Thursday Thoughts, a short list of the most interesting things that I’ve read, heard, and/or watched over the past week.

bookstore by Stable Diffusion Dream Studio

bookstore by Stable Diffusion Dream Studio

What I Watched:

How to Get Rich

In this eight-episode first season, Ramit Sethi travels the United States to help people with their financial issues. Sethi is known for his book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich. I read this years ago and have internalized the lessons on automating finances and living my “rich” life. The show expands on these concepts, guiding individuals through challenging financial situations. I enjoyed the spectrum of wealth portrayed in the show, from a woman who sold her house for $2.2 million to a reality TV star in debt to the tune of more than $250,000.

A story that resonated with me was of a former gymnast who decided to sell her condo. She believed that home ownership was the epitome of the American Dream. But that dream landed her in a dire financial situation, devoid of hot water for months. In the end, she chose to sell the condo to focus on her version of a rich life—traveling with friends. This narrative struck a chord with me as I was in a similar situation, selling my condo at a loss in 2021.

What I Tried:

AxieDAO NFT Batch Transfer

I finally decided to clean out my Axie scholarship accounts and consolidate my Axies. I was dreading this task because I had over 300 Axies scattered across more than a hundred accounts. Thankfully I came across the AxieDAO tools.

The AxieDAO NFT Batch Transfer tool streamlined the process. I connected the scholarship Ronin wallets to the website, copied and pasted my Ronin address, and after a few clicks, I was able to navigate through all my accounts in about an hour and a half.

Props to Axie for making these quality of life tools.

What I Read:

Excellent Advice for Living

This succinct books contains over four hundred bite-sized nuggets of wisdom from Kevin Kelly, founding editor of Wired magazine. As Kelly states in the book, the advice might not be original but he tries to write it in his words. It’s his spin that makes the advice memorable, which is ultimately the purpose of giving advice.

A couple of my favorite pieces of advice from the book are:

  • Art is in what you leave out.
  • Prototype your life. Try stuff instead of making grand plans.

In addition to reading the book, I enjoyed Kelly’s appearances on the Tim Ferris Show and Conversations with Tyler during the book’s “press tour”. These interviews provided additional context and were distinctly insightful, without overlapping with the book or each other. Both interviews were fantastic listens.

Tags: #tv #tech #books

Thursday Thoughts

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